Maximal’s Global Income Long Bias strategy has consistently outperformed its benchmarks such as the MSCI World Index and the MSCI AC Div HY. Maximal's long returns to date from August 22 is 37.79% against its benchmarks' returns — MSCI World (29.91%) and MSCI AC Div HY (10.54%) over the same period.
Maximal’s ESG long bias is rooted in the belief that ESG factors and long-term viable returns are not mutually exclusive. Maximal's team prior to joining Maximal, helped manage a US long bias product with an AUM (as of Dec 2017) of $17B.
Equity Market Neutral aims to provide a positive absolute return across economic cycles and provide low correlation to other asset classes to help create a diversified asset allocation. Maximal's team prior to joining Maximal, helped manage an EMN product with an AUM (as of Dec 2020) of $3B.